


先週から引き続き、東京大学インターン生:  西尾 美哉さんがゆめしま未来塾に滞在してくれています。

これは個別指導を行ってくれている様子です。 「すっごくわかりやすい!」「こんなに英語が楽しいと思ったのは初めてかも!」と生徒に好評でした!!



月曜日はGuess Whoというゲームを行いました。


スライドにあるキャラクターの絵を生徒一人一人にくばり、生徒は自分に見えないようにセットします。 キャラクターはメガネをかけているものや髪の毛の色や髪型がそれぞれ異なるので、それを質問で見つけ出すゲームです。


Monday’sClass: Guess Who?

On Monday we played a round of ‘Guess Who’, where everyone had to ask yes or no questions and figure out who their character was. It was great to see everyone enjoying the game as they asked each other questions in English. We will be playing this game again soon so I hope everyone is ready to ask more questions and try to beat their previous score!

火曜日はBlobs and linesというゲームでした!




Tuesday’s Class: Blobs and Lines

On Tuesday, we played Blobs and Lines where students had to line up in chronological or alphabetical order depending on the question (eg. When is your birthday? Or What is your favourite food?). I was impressed to see that the seniors were very quick in ordering themselves and beat the other team in every round.





Wednesday’s Class: My Introduction

For this day, I did an introduction class on my academic timeline as I had not had a proper chance to introduce myself. I decided to talk about all the different schools I’d gone to throughout my student career and also did a random pop quiz on myself (some of the other answers were by the other cram school teachers – I feel this spiced up the game a little more!). We also played ‘Hot Seat’ (but anonymous style, where the students wrote down questions on a paper and I answered them one by one) – I hope I can answer all the other questions before I leave!





Kamijimacho is a wonderful island that I am grateful to have been able to visit several times over the past couple of years. I am also honoured to be working with the students of Yuge High School (I’m also happy to have reunited with the third year high school students whom I met two or three years ago when I came here on a FROGs volunteering trip) and I hope to make the most out of the rest of my time here. On weekends, I am enjoying cycling and going out to meet the generous and loving people of this island. I am already half way through my trip, but I will definitely come back again next year!

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こんにちは。ゆめしま未来塾です! 昨年度も実施していたキャリアセミナー(通称:キャリセミ)が今年も始まりました!今年は1年生を対象に実施。このキャリセミで1年間を通してじっくり学習していきます! <キ …


新年あけましておめでとうございます。ゆめしま未来塾の田中です。 皆様におかれましては輝かしい新年をお迎えのこととお喜び申しあげます。 昨年から世界的に流行しているコロナウイルスの影響によって例年とは異 …


こんにちは!ゆめしま末来塾の板倉です!! 本日は今週私が弓削高校と塾で行っていることや見つけた事をお伝えします。 簿記検定対策、佳境を迎える! ただいま今週末末に控えた全商簿記検定の対策をしております …